Not all products or indications are available in all countries. Regulatory requirements in various countries limit the product information that we can provide. Please consult your local physician about any medical condition or product information.

Legal Statement and Privacy Statement

Legal terms and conditions for using this website

I. Use of website and acceptance of terms

This website (“this Site”) is provided to you for your personal use subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Legal Statement. By using this Site, you agree to be bound by the terms and conditions set out in this Legal Statement. IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS LEGAL STATEMENT, THEN DO NOT ACCESS THIS SITE AND EXIT THIS SITE IMMEDIATELY. Mundipharma may modify these terms and conditions at any time by publishing the modified terms and conditions on this Site. Any modifications shall take effect immediately on posting to this Site. If you do not wish to be bound by the modified terms and conditions, you should not continue access to this Site and should exit this Site immediately. If you continue to use this Site after the date on which the modifications take effect, your use of this Site shall constitute your unconditional and unequivocal agreement to be bound by the modified terms and conditions.

II. Copyright and trademark notices

This Site is produced, owned and operated by MUNDIPHARMA MIDDLE-EAST FZ-LLC. The entire content of this Site is fully protected under copyright, trademark and other intellectual property laws of Malaysia. You may retrieve and display the content of this Site on a computer screen or print a single copy of the content of this Site for your personal or educational, non‐commercial purposes only, provided that the copy retains this Legal Statement. Further printing, copying, redistribution, publication or modification of any part of this Site is strictly prohibited unless expressly permitted within this Site or by Mundipharma’s written consent upon individual requests made in writing.

III. Restrictions on using the content of this website

Mundipharma makes no representation regarding the availability, the accuracy, or the completeness of the content of this Site. The Site contains only general information about products that may or may not be available in a particular country or region of the world, may be available under different trademarks or product names/brands in different countries and, where applicable, may be approved by government regulatory authorities for sale or use with different indications and restrictions in different countries.

This Site may contain, from time to time, information related to various health, medical and fitness conditions and their treatment. For non-healthcare providers and consumers, such information is not intended to be a substitute for the advice provided by a physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing a health or fitness problem or disease. In any event, users of this Site should always consult a doctor and/or other medical professional with respect to health concerns.

For detailed information, please refer to your locally approved full prescribing information

While Mundipharma uses reasonable efforts to include accurate and up‐to‐date information in its Site, Mundipharma makes no warranties or representations as to its accuracy and such information is subject to change without notice. Mundipharma assumes no liability or responsibility for any errors or omissions in the content of its Site. Mundipharma does not monitor, verify or endorse any information submitted by third parties for posting on this Site and such information may be inaccurate, incomplete or out‐of‐date. While Mundipharma uses reasonable efforts to allow uninterrupted access to this Site, access to the Site may be suspended, restricted or terminated at any time. This Site may provide links or references to other websites not affiliated with Mundipharma. Such links to other websites are provided only as a convenience to users of this Site. Mundipharma has not reviewed all of the websites that may be linked to its Site, and is not responsible for the content of any other websites linked to this Site. Clicking on links that lead you to any pages off this Site is at your own risk. Mundipharma shall not be liable for any damages or injury arising from users' access to such websites.

If this Site provides visitors with an opportunity to post messages, you shall not post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or would otherwise violate the law. You take full accountability for the content of any posted messages which you submit on this Site.

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You agree that: (1) your submission and its content will automatically become the property of Mundipharma, without any compensation to you; (2) Mundipharma may use or redistribute the submission and its content at any time for any purpose and in any way and that such use by Mundipharma does not infringe any intellectual property rights that you may have; (3) there is no obligation for Mundipharma to review the submission; and (4) there is no obligation for Mundipharma to publish the submission.

V. Limitation of liability

Mundipharma provides the contents of its Site for informational purposes and for your general interest and education only. By using the Site you hereby agree not to rely on any of the information contained herein. To the extent permitted by law, under no circumstances shall Mundipharma be liable for your reliance on any such information nor shall Mundipharma be liable for damages of any kind, including, without limitation, any direct, incidental, special consequential, indirect or punitive damages that result from the use of, or the inability to use, the materials in this Site or the materials in any Site which may be linked to this Site, even if Mundipharma or a Mundipharma authorized representative has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Applicable law may not allow the limitation or exclusion of certain liabilities or incidental or consequential damages, so the limitations or exclusions in this clause may not apply to you. In no event shall Mundipharma's total liability to you for all damages, losses, and causes of action whether the cause of action is in contract, tort (including, but not limited to, negligence).

VI. Disclaimer of warranties

The materials in this site are provided "as is" and without warranties of any kind either express or implied. To the fullest extent permissible pursuant to applicable law, Mundipharma disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of satisfactory quality and fitness for a particular purpose. Mundipharma does not warrant that the functions contained in the materials will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this site or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. Mundipharma does not warrant or make any representations regarding the use or the results of the use of the materials in these sites in terms of their correctness, accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. You (and not Mundipharma) assume the entire cost of all necessary servicing, repair or correction. Applicable law may not allow the exclusion of implied warranties, so the above exclusion may not apply to you.

VII. Jurisdictional issues

This Site is controlled and operated by Mundipharma from its office in United Arab Emirates. Although the Internet is global in nature, the laws regulating the manner in which pharmaceutical companies convey medical or product information is not. Each country has its own set of rules, regulations and laws. As a result, information intended for dissemination in a particular country may not be appropriate for use outside that country. The information on products displayed on this Site is designed to comply with the marketing authorizations of said products in the country from where you access this Site. All other information on this Site is designed to comply with the laws of United Arab Emirates. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of United Arab Emirates, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. All disputes are to be resolved under the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of United Arab Emirates. If any provision of this Agreement shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from this Agreement and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions. This is the entire Agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter herein.

This Site may link to other websites produced by companies related to Mundipharma, some of which are outside United Arab Emirates. Those websites may have information that is appropriate only to the particular originating country or region where the websites is based. You should not construe anything on the Site as a promotion or solicitation for any product or for the use of any product that is not authorized by the laws and regulations of the country where you are located. Mundipharma makes no representation that materials in the Site are appropriate or available for use in other locations. Those who choose to access this Site from other locations do so on their own initiative and are responsible for compliance with local laws, if and to the extent local laws are applicable.

VIII. Links to this site

Links to this Site are not authorized without the express prior written permission of Mundipharma and then only in accordance with Mundipharma’s requirements. To obtain permission to link to this Site, please click on "Press Enquiries" under "Contact Us".

Copyright © 2019 MUNDIPHARMA MIDDLE-EAST FZ-LLC. All rights reserved.

Product names shown in bold italics are Registered Trademarks of Mundipharma and Mundipharma’s affiliates companies.

IX. Privacy policy

Mundipharma's treatment of personally identifiable information is in compliance with applicable Malaysia privacy laws. In particular, we collect and treat personally identifiable information in good faith and not in an excessive manner. Mundipharma will not treat personally identifiable information against the will of the user of this site as expressed to Mundipharma.

By submitting personally identifiable information through this Site you consent to Mundipharma using such information as specified in the respective form on this Site and as is necessary in order to perform the respective action.

Your personal identifiable information will never be sold and we will not, without your express consent, provide your personal information to any unrelated third party unless required by law or legal process. If you do not wish to give your consent, please do not submit your Personal Information through any form on this site. However, should you have any enquiries, you can contact us at +63 2 634 4087.

You agree that your information will be used for marketing activities (subject to the nature of your inquiries) as an example and without limiting to the below activities: advertorials, print advertisements, social media postings or advertisements, testimonials.

We will store your personal identifiable information on our private server and such information will not be shared with a 3rd party without your consent.

X. Identification

MUNDIPHARMA MIDDLE-EAST FZ-LLC is a company registered in United Arab Emirates with company number +971 4 4331312

Registered Office:
Arjaan Office Tower,
Office 207 and 208, Media City,
Dubai, United Arab Emirates,
P.O. Box 502927

®: BETADINE is Registered Trademark of Mundipharma.


Please report any suspected Mundipharma Product or Device related adverse event or product complaint to: meadrugsafety@mundipharma.ae or contact +971 4 439 8777.

Consult your doctor / pharmacist before taking pharmaceutical products